Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Studio 52cn shoot

CC imaging shoot

There is more to come

It's been a while

      So, I have not posted anything in a while because I have been sick and very busy with school. Some things have changed with my modeling though. I am no longer going to be doing the modeling courses with the agncy I spoke of previously. I did not have the money, and after more investigation, didn't like what I found. Many people had commented that the agncy is just in it for money and will  not help you get jobs. I can't afford to take that risk. I should have listed to Tyra when she said no legitamate place will charge!
     So it was onward and upward. I created a profile on Model and set up a few shoots to start ny profile. I will post the pics. I will continue to get shots and try to get jobs as well as looking into other agencies.